Saturday, 19 January 2013

New Endeavour

Technically I should be napping right now, but oh well:)  I always seem to get great blogging ideas when I'm either driving or in the shower.  Then when I sit down to write, I can't remember what they were. LOL 

I wanted to share with you that I started a team for the MS walk in May.  I have never really done anything like this before but I find it very intriguing how you all of a sudden can become an advocate for something you knew you nothing about.  When something has entered your life you become much more aware and your heart has passion for that, whether it's something you are encountering on a personal level or something that you are going through because of someone else.  I see sides of people I never knew existed, or it's allowed me to have conversations with those I wouldn't normally interact with.  Even my kids are becoming advocates for it.  The two older boys are going to start some fundraisers for in their school, and are going to join in on the walk.  This is something that they will do on their own and for that I am excited.  It's exciting to see your kids become passionate about something other than a video game or the latest movie. LOL  So that's my "plug" for the MS walk on May 26th in Morden.  If you want to join you can go to  and then search for a team using my name (Charis Parago) in case you need spelling, and the team name is Grace.  You can donate using the same search tools.


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